Saturday, November 9, 2013

Decisions With Discernment

My prayer for you all tonight is that you just meditate on these lyrics

Lately, the Lord is really telling me what and who in my life is leading me closer to Him and who is not. 

We make decisions daily. They could be life changing or they could be as small as picking out your outfit in the morning. But how many times do we make these decisions for the sake of our God? When was the last time we approached decision making with discernment? 

No request or decision is too big or too small for God to have an opinion on, so why don't we start asking Him? 

Talk to Him tonight. Ask him what He thinks about your life....your job, friends, school, family, girlfriend,  boyfriend, closet addiction, children and what you do with your spare time.

Don't be afraid of the answer. Chances are He has something so incredible planned for you. He loves you enough to care about all of it. 

Offer every pocket of your life up to Him and see how He works. 


  1. Kendal this is beautiful! This topic has been on my heart a lot too! Love you! -Julie

  2. Ah! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Love you so much and I'm always praying for you and Derek!
