Monday, November 25, 2013

Be Present

Skip to 4:31 if you want to watch the "Be Present" spoken word

You know those moments when you watch something or read something and afterwards you are just like "well...I feel guilty now"....that is kind of what happened to me after watching this video. It definitely spoke to my heart. 

There are so many things that serve as distractions: Emails, Texts, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, Snapchat, Fantasy Football Updates, Tumblr...the list goes on and on. It's exhausting and it is like "man, when was the last time I looked up?" This generation is so guilty of not being present. We participate so heavily in social media that we completely ignore what is going on right in front of us.

This message called me out.

Referring to his wife, the man basically says "her presence is God's present, so be present" 

The Lord calls us to love Him and love His people. But how can we truly be loving if we aren't present? We spend more time typing then we do talking. We can't truly love, know, and understand His people if we don't even take the time to look up at them.

I pray that we can view the people that surround us as God's presents. So I just encourage that we spend more time talking to the people in our living room than talking to the people on our phone. If we are going to be there, let's be there. Amen? 

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