Thursday, September 12, 2013

Water Into Wine

"Like a rushing wind, Jesus breathe within. Lord have Your way. Lord have Your way in me. Like a mighty storm, stir within my soul. Lord have Your way, Lord have Your way in me" -I Surrender by Hillsong

Today at Intervarsity we went over John 2, the miracle where Jesus turns water into wine. It is incredible how you can read a story a million times, but still the Bible speaks to you as if it was the first time your eyes read those words. 

I was amazed by the servants' obedience to Jesus despite not knowing that He was capable of miracles. They had absolutely NO idea what they were getting themselves into. Still, they continued to listen to His commands. 

This just goes to show that sometimes listening to the Lord does. not. make. sense. But, that's okay. Francis Chan says that, "something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers". The way we interact, speak, and live our life should  not  make sense, but we should do it anyway.

If we are obedient, God is faithful. 

Jesus did not ask the servants to perform a miracle, He just called them to complete a small task and He was going to take care of the rest. We shouldn't fear the act of stepping out in faith. If we are faithful with the little things, God will come through with the miracle. 

I don't know why we get so hesitant to talk about our faith with people when we know that if we just do it, then God will speak in those moments. 

I hope you are all encouraged by the servants' ability to trust without being able to see what is going to happen next. They are the perfect example of what it looks like when we walk by faith and not by sight. 

Create a space for God to show you a miracle this week! 

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